How To: Repot Your Bouquet
![ Repottable Bouquet](’s Repottable Bouquets
How To Repot Your Bouquet?
1. Remove all the botanical material from the glass jar & take apart the fresh cut flowers and the repottable foliage.
2. Rinse the roots of the repottable foliage under clean water to remove any bacteria or algae which may have grown over the week.
3. Pat dry the roots gently.
4. Prepare a pot for each type of foliage with planting soil. Do make sure that the pot has a drainage hole as we do not want the soil to to be water logged! This may cause the roots to be soaked in too much moisture and cause root rot.
5. Simply create a hole in the soil deep enough for all the roots to be covered & fill up the hole with the rest of the soil.
6. Water your new houseplant every alternate day for a week, to make sure that it comfortably transits from a water base to a soil base.
7. There you have it! Your brand new houseplant born from your bouquet!
Now that you’re a new plant parent, it’s time to Care For Your Repotted Bouquet!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repot